Documentation for classes includes syntax, usage information, and code samples for methods, properties, and event handlers and listeners for those APIs that belong to a specific class in ActionScript. The classes are listed alphabetically. If you are not sure to which class a certain method or property belongs, you can look it up in the Index.

 Hessian2Constants Constants used in the Hessian 2.0 protocol.
 Hessian2Input A reader for the Hessian 2.0 protocol.
hessian.client The HessianOperation class is an AbstractOperation used exclusively by HessianServices.
 HessianOutput A writer for the Hessian 1.0 protocol.
 HessianProtocolError An IOError thrown if a Hessian protocol error is experienced.
hessian.client The HessianService class provides access to Hessian-based web services on remote servers.
hessian.mxml The HessianService class provides access to Hessian-based web services on remote servers.
 HessianServiceError An Error thrown if a Hessian service error is experienced.